appointments in outlook

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appointments in outlook
from exchange 2003 don't appear in folder  
Thomas Holdt


We have following problem.

Appointments from another users calendar residing on a 2003 Exchange server are shown in Outlook 2010.
But when i try to access them via outlook app and the corresponding folder, they are not returned. When accessing them as single message item,
access to recurrence pattern for example ist denied with a strange message (... restart outlook).

I have seen that other users have these problems too. Does anybody know, where the problem derives from and perhaps how to solve it.

Posted 13 Nov, 2013 04:08:19 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 19075
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Chuck,

Could you please provide me with some code? I'd like to see how you access the appointment, the recurrence pattern, etc. What code lines show the problem? What error message are you getting?

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 13 Nov, 2013 05:48:44 Top
Thomas Holdt


Hi Andrei,

i have a problem posting my answer. The webpage always says "the message text is empty"
Posted 13 Nov, 2013 10:11:54 Top
Thomas Holdt


I send the text by email, maybe you can find out, why it is not possible to post it in the forum.

When i put it in the text field and say Post, i get the message that the text field is empty, and it is, after the post.

Posted 13 Nov, 2013 10:20:46 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 19075
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Chuck,

Thomas Holdt writes:
1. using outlook to expand recurrences

    restrictedFolder := TheFolder.Items;
        restrictedFolder.IncludeRecurrences := True;
        currentAppointment := restrictedFolder.Find('(([Start] > '''+formatdatetime('ddddd',dateto+1)+''') '+
                                                     'And ([End] <= '''+formatdatetime('ddddd',datefrom)+''')) ');
        While currentAppointment <> nil do begin

          if currentAppointment.QueryInterface(_AppointmentItem,aitem)=S_OK then begin
           currentAppointment := restrictedFolder.FindNext

effect is just that items from the mentioned accounts don't appear in the loop

2. trying to handle them in own code....

           RP := Appt.GetRecurrencePattern;
                on e:exception do begin
                    log('REC3 ERR '+e.message);
               RP := nil


effect on items from the not working accounts is....

On all accounts on the 2010 exchange servers, both methods work flawlessly

In what event do you execute the above code fragments? Do you have appropriate permissions to open these appointments in the UI?

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 14 Nov, 2013 03:58:59 Top
Thomas Holdt


They are executed from a button in a pane.

Yes, in the ui everything is accessible.

And for all the 2010 based accounts it works without problems. Seems to be a problem with the 2003 exchange server accounts.

Posted 14 Nov, 2013 04:39:53 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 19075
Joined: 2006-05-11

I would suggest that you asked this question at

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 15 Nov, 2013 01:54:07 Top