Subscription renewal and cross-version upgrade page

Renewal and upgrade policies

The current subscriptions of all our products include 1 year of tech support and updates. After that period, you need to renew your subscription to continue getting technical support from us. Each subscription renewal includes an upgrade to the latest version.

The cost of renewal is 50% of a new license price. Please click the "Renew Now" button next to your product to see its renewal prices.


Add-in Express™
for Microsoft® Office and .net

Click here to choose the subscription

Visual component set to program version-neutral, deployable, updatable, secure and isolated extensions for Microsoft Office, including COM add-ins, smart tags, RTD servers and UDFs in VB.NET, C# and managed C++.

Add-in Express™
for Microsoft® Office and Delphi® VCL

Click here to choose the subscription

Visual RAD tool for creating version-neutral, fast, secure and easy-deployable extensions for Microsoft Office, including COM add-ins, smart tags, RTD servers in Delphi.