Access to the complete list of menus and options

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Access to the complete list of menus and options
Access to the complete list of menus and options 
This forum has moved to a new location. From now on, please post all your questions about Ribbon Designer for SharePoint on this forum.
mehdim mehdi


I have and idea of a plugin and i'm seeking informations to check if it is possible ...
I'm not a .Net pogrammer ...
My question is :

When creating a plugin for Office 2010 (Word for example), is it possible to have the complete list of options offered by Word ? (Example File->Open , Bold, Edition->Copy , etc ) ;

Thank you
Posted 05 Apr, 2012 15:25:44 Top
mehdim mehdi


What i mean by having access to the option is : My plugin will allow to the user to click on button for example, and have the same functionnality as the original menuItem.
Posted 05 Apr, 2012 15:27:22 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 19048
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Mehdim,

There's no such list. In Word and Excel, you can record a macro while performing this or that formatting. This creates a VBA macro; you can study the object model calls required to achieve the same formatting programmatically.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 06 Apr, 2012 01:27:44 Top