Customize Inline Response Message Ribbon

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Customize Inline Response Message Ribbon
Brad Clements

Posts: 72
Joined: 2008-05-01
Outlook 2013 Preview introduces the inline response feature. When the user begins composing an inline response Outlook displays a Message ribbon. I need to add a button to this ribbon. I presume I need to define an AdxRibbonTab and add the button to it. But I don't know what value to put in the Context property of my AdxRibbonTab to make it display on the inline response Message ribbon.
Posted 04 Sep, 2012 12:06:56 Top
Eugene Astafiev


Hi Brad,

Nobody knows such an ID. Microsoft didn't publish the list of Office 2013 Fluent User Interface Control Identifiers. You can read more about this in the in MSDN.
Posted 05 Sep, 2012 10:28:58 Top
Brad Clements

Posts: 72
Joined: 2008-05-01
I found that if I set the Ribbons property of my ADXRibbonTab to "OutlookExplorer" and set the Context property to "Outlook.TabComposeTools" a new tab with my custom button appears next to the inline response Message tab. But I want to add my button to the Message tab instead of creating a separate tab.
Posted 05 Sep, 2012 14:09:15 Top
Eugene Astafiev


Hi Brad,

I understand your goal, but nobody knows the required IdMso value due to the fact that Microsoft didn't publish new IDs for Office 2013 yet. You can read more about this in the section in MSDN.
Posted 06 Sep, 2012 04:27:47 Top


Is it still the case the the 2013 control Ids are not available? I've looked but not found anything. I need to perform this same operation...add a tab to the Message Tab that appears on the explorer ribbon when an inline response is open.
Posted 02 Oct, 2012 16:35:28 Top


How does the following fit into this issue of 2013 control id for the inline response compose/message tabs on the explorer ribbon bar:

Adding custom controls to the Compose Tools contextual tab

Another possible scenario is that you want to extend the Outlook user interface for an inline reply. To extend the Outlook user interface, you need to use Office Fluent UI extensibility which is not covered in depth in this article. See the links supplied at the end of this article for additional information on extending the Outlook user interface. When an inline response is displayed in Outlook 2013 Preview, the user sees the Compose Tools contextual tab displayed on the Office Fluent ribbon. To add your control to the Compose Tools contextual tab, add your custom controls to the <contextualTabs> </contextualTabs> section of ribbon XML that will be passed to the GetCustomUI method of the IRibbonExtensibility interface for the RibbonID equal to ?Â?Ð?ìMicrosoft.Outlook.Explorer?Â?Ð?í. You must identify the tabSet element with the appropriate value for the idMso attribute, which in this case is ?Â?Ð?ìTabComposeTools?Â?Ð?í. The following ribbon XML creates the MyButton control shown in Figure 7.

<tabSet idMso="TabComposeTools">
<tab idMso="TabMessage">
<group label="MyGroup" id="MyComposeToolsGroup">
<button id="MyButtonInlineResponse"
onAction="OnInlineResponseButtonClick" />
Posted 02 Oct, 2012 17:17:16 Top


My last post shows operation of the inline response compose tab on the explorer ribbon bar using microsoft add-in techniques. I'm not understanding why this cannot also be done in add-in express...
Posted 02 Oct, 2012 17:32:53 Top
Brad Clements

Posts: 72
Joined: 2008-05-01
I got it to work in Add-in Express by creating a new ADXRibbonTab, setting the IdMso to TabMessage, setting the Context to Outlook.TabComposeTools, and setting the Ribbons to OutlookExplorer.
Posted 02 Oct, 2012 17:37:00 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 19096
Joined: 2006-05-11
Thank you, Brad!

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 03 Oct, 2012 08:50:36 Top
Eugene Astafiev


Hi Everyone,

We have been getting quite a lot of questions recently regarding built-in ribbon control IDs and decided to create a sample based on the approach the two guys suggested in this thread.

If you need step-by-step instructions on how to customize Outlook 2013 inline response ribbon as well as C# and VB.NET code samples, you can find them here:

Brad and Richard, a huge thank you for raising this question and finding the solution!
Posted 22 Oct, 2012 09:38:59 Top