Danger of Multiple Installers?

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Danger of Multiple Installers?
Ken Puls

Posts: 36
Joined: 2014-12-17
Hi there,

I currently use a ClickOnce setup to deploy my addin. I've recently got a couple of requests from potential clients who say their IT department requires an MSI installer (or that the add-in must be deployed via the MS store.)

My main questions here are:
1) Can I publish multiple different installers for a release of my addin?
2) Is there any danger in doing so that I should be aware of?
3) Does using an MSI force a user to have to do manual updates rather than the auto-prompting we get with ClickOnce?

At a minimum, this seems like a duplication of work on my part, but I'd obviously like to try and support more clients if possible.

Thanks for any insights!
Posted 28 Jun, 2024 16:38:16 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18965
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Ken,

1. Yes.
2. See below.
3. Yes, exactly. In your terms, this can sound like a danger.

Still, I have an impression that admins prefer MSIs: for starters, check https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4304425/whats-the-prime-advantage-to-having-an-msi-installation-package.

Regards from Poland (GMT+2),

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 01 Jul, 2024 08:37:03 Top
Ken Puls

Posts: 36
Joined: 2014-12-17
Thanks Andrei,

Thanks for this. I appreciate the info there. One thing I was wondering... every time I go to Publish, I do so via the ClickOnce tab. I notice that in the same Publish dialog, there is a tab for "MSI-based Web Deployment". I guess what I'm trying to figure out here is:

If I created a setup project and got all the fields configured correctly there, could I Publish a Click-Once .application file, then just flip tabs and also create the web-based MSI without breaking the other one?

And if so, does this allow for the auto-updating, or it is still a manual process?

I'm sure the adx documentation has the steps to deploy via the second setup, my main concern is about breaking what I have in place...
Posted 02 Jul, 2024 17:45:26 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18965
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Ken,

Ken Puls writes:
If I created a setup project and got all the fields configured correctly there, could I Publish a Click-Once .application file, then just flip tabs and also create the web-based MSI without breaking the other one?


Ken Puls writes:
And if so, does this allow for the auto-updating, or it is still a manual process?

Note. The process may include signing the version_info.xml with your certificate. The point is: when switching to another certificate, you would also need to change the Installation URL - the URL where your new and old installers are located. That is, before your old certificate ends, you should publish a version pointing to a new Installation URL. Later, you publish a new version signed using your new certificate and make it available to end users via the new Installation URL.

Regards from Poland (GMT+2),

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 03 Jul, 2024 10:33:38 Top