Daniel Lutz
Posts: 5
Joined: 2023-02-27
Hello Addin Express team,
what is the best way of support localization of an addin express adinn depend of the office ui. I know that Application.LanguageSettings it is possible to evaluate the office ui language and i also know that i can set it to the CurrentThread.CultureUI but the loading mechanism of the ribbon is a bit tricky.
The addin itself create c# objects (ADX buttons, tabs and so on) with captions related in InitializeComponent() of the addin constructor. This use the CurrentUI property of the ResourceManager to choose the right localized value. In the constructor the Application property is not initialzed. I`ve also check the OnBeforeRobbonLoad mechanism to load initialize the value but same problem here.
So is there any way to retrieve the information set it to the CurrentThread properties bevor the ribbon is created?
best regards |
Dmitry Kostochko
Add-in Express team
Posts: 2887
Joined: 2004-04-05
Hello Daniel,
what is the best way of support localization of an addin express adinn depend of the office ui.
I am afraid there is no common "best way", each developer chooses their own way and decides that the one they chose is the best :)
Please have a look at the following search results, this issue has already been discussed:
Here I will try to describe one of possible ways on a simple Excel add-in example:
1. Open the designer of your AddinModule.
2. In the Properties window, set the Localizable property to True.
3. In the Properties window, choose another language (e.g. Spanish) in the Language property.
4. Update all captions of all components (Ribbon tabs, groups, buttons, etc.).
5. Handle the OnRibbonBeforeCreate event:
private void AddinModule_OnRibbonBeforeCreate(object sender, string ribbonId)
int culture = ExcelApp.LanguageSettings.LanguageID[Office.MsoAppLanguageID.msoLanguageIDUI];
CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo(culture);
//MessageBox.Show("OnRibbonBeforeCreate " + ci.ToString());
switch (ci.ThreeLetterISOLanguageName)
case "spa": // Spanish
case "pol": // Polish
// do nothing, use default English
private void ApplyResources(CultureInfo cultureInfo)
System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager resources = new System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager(typeof(AddinModule));
resources.ApplyResources(this.adxRibbonTab1, "adxRibbonTab1", cultureInfo);
resources.ApplyResources(this.adxRibbonGroup1, "adxRibbonGroup1", cultureInfo);
resources.ApplyResources(this.adxRibbonButton1, "adxRibbonButton1", cultureInfo);
resources.ApplyResources(this.adxRibbonButton2, "adxRibbonButton2", cultureInfo);
resources.ApplyResources(this.adxRibbonButton3, "adxRibbonButton3", cultureInfo);
resources.ApplyResources(this, "$this");
Hope this description will help you. If you wish, I can send you the complete test project by email. |
Daniel Lutz
Posts: 5
Joined: 2023-02-27
That helps a lot.
Thank you very much.
Best regards Daniel |