Sally Peck

Hi everyone (waves), My name is Sally Peck, I live near middle of the earth, the equator, in Singapore.

I am C#, C++ developer with highheels. I hold Bachelor of Science in Computing from University of Portsmouth and business partner at ZPAY Payroll Systems, Inc. I've been cooking developing software since 2000. I manage a guild of developers.

Development Technologies:

Once upon a development time, I’ve used WordBasic, VB6 legacy, Delphi, Visual C++ MFC where UI is done using Codejock toolkit.

I use C# (Visual Studio, Xamarin and Unity). I’ve handled SharePoint projects developing clientside, webparts with Telerik and Office 365 with ADFS. The serverside uses ASP.NET MVC. I use best practices, TDD, dependency injection, inversion of control and ORM.

I’ve made Office 2003 - 2013 Addins with portable MVVM library to allow C# cross-compile between desktop, server, Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS.

Database Technologies:

I model databases, using SQL fabric and ORM to access MSSQL (2005, 2008R2, 2012) and MySQL. Depending on situation, my Apps use the latest database styles NoSQL (Siaqodb) or department document store (RavenDb.)

Cloud SAAS Technologies:

I have used Android and iOS SDK integration, fiddling around Twitter and well-liked Facebook, dreaming in iCloud, using mobile advertising iAd and AdMob, crafting GameCenter, Google Play Leaderboards integration (+5 XP for reading this), deliver to emerging Amazon Marketplace and Starwars Samsung Galaxy AppStore.

Game Development Technologies:

I use Unity C# and Autodesk Gameware (Scaleform UI, Beast). NPC AI and interaction are made using C# statemachines and behavior trees. NPCs navigate 3d terrain using A* pathfinding with recastnavigation1. NPCs move by applying Newton’s laws of motion. The calculated results become input values.

Recalculating at regular time intervals, state machine update game states, NPCs behave differently. A* algorithm finds the nearest path to a 3D point using recast, giving the perception of intelligent NPCs movement.

  1. Recast navigation
    NPC refers to nonplayable character.

Here is a list of my recent posts:

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