Posts Tagged ‘C#’

Inner details of DPI scaling in Office COM add-ins

Today, I’m following Microsoft recommendations and using code fragments they provide to investigate the behavior of a System.Windows.Forms.Form (simply a form)... Read the rest of this entry →

Office COM add-ins and DPI awareness: research and analysis

In the first blog of this series, I showed issues related to using several monitors with different DPIs. To get an explanation of those pretty confusing results, let’s check resources available on the web.... Read the rest of this entry →

Issues with Windows mutli-DPI scaling and Office COM add-in panes and forms

Quite often these days you see this configuration: a notebook and an external display or two connected to the notebook. All these displays may have different DPIs. This is a typical environment where DPI-related issues reveal themselves. ... Read the rest of this entry →

New version of Add-in Express sample COM add-in projects

Quick news: we've developed a new version of sample COM add-in projects that we provide in the downloadable archive on the Add-in Express .NET Downloads page... Read the rest of this entry →

Support for Office 2019 is added to Add-in Express for Office and .net

Version 9.2 of Add-in Express for Office and .net is published, and we now announce full support for all versions of Office 2000 through 2019 32-bit and 64-bit... Read the rest of this entry →

How to customize MSI installer using Add-in Express ClickTwice custom actions

Let's start with the conclusion: you can deeply customize the UI and behavior of the MSI installer of your Add-in Express based Office extension using a ClickTwice custom action. To see how this works, build the project below, install the add-in by starting the MSI installer, and have a closer look at that installer's UI... Read the rest of this entry →

Localization of Office add-ins using forms-based resources

The article describes how to create a localized version of an Office add-in by using regular forms-based resources without having to apply them manually to each component, form or control... Read the rest of this entry →

Office context menu add-in for Excel, Outlook, Word, PowerPoint

The blog is about an add-in (with the source code) that adds a button to all context menus of Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Project, Publisher, Visio and Word in Office 2010-2013. The button shows the name of the context menu.... Read the rest of this entry →

How to determine when a user has read an Outlook message

In this article, we'll look at how to determine when a user has read an Outlook mail message. We will create an Outlook add-in that illustrates the various methods of responding to the the fact that a user has read an e-mail in Outlook... Read the rest of this entry →

Working with Outlook HTMLBody – a guide for Office developers

If you've ever tried to design an attractive and somewhat complex e-mail message using Microsoft Outlook and HTML, chances are you very quickly realized that the Outlook mail message body format performs rather differently than a normal web browser... Read the rest of this entry →

How to get unread mail in Outlook: C# code examples

Finding and filtering items in Outlook can be done in a variety of ways and in this article we'll focus on ways to retrieve unread mail from Outlook... Read the rest of this entry →

Working with Outlook attachments programmatically: C# code examples

Many Outlook developers have been faced with programmatically accessing and working with Outlook Item attachments. All Outlook items have the Attachments property, which means attachments can be added to MailItem, ContactItem and AppointmentItem items, to name a few. In this article we'll explore some facets of handling and interacting with attachments in Outlook... Read the rest of this entry →

Sending and updating Outlook Calendar’s appointments and meeting requests

2015 is here, and from all of us at Add-in Express we wish you a very prosperous year. We'll kick off this year by taking a closer look at Microsoft Outlook appointments and meetings... Read the rest of this entry →

Connecting Outlook appointments with Freshbooks web-service data, part 4

In this, our fourth and final part on how to write an Outlook add-in for Freshbooks web-service, we'll explore how to develop a custom form region to connect an Outlook appointment with the web-service's Timesheet entry... Read the rest of this entry →

Creating Outlook ribbon UI from scratch – Integrating with Freshbooks web-service, part 3

In this article, we'll continue with the add-in and tackle the process of hiding the standard Outlook Inspector and Explorer Ribbon tabs for the Freshbooks folders and items and replacing them with our own Freshbooks Ribbon Tabs... Read the rest of this entry →

Calling Freshbooks web-service from Outlook, part 2

In the previous article, we started with the basic concept and layout of our Freshbooks Outlook Add-in. So far, we've connected Outlook to the web-service by creating the Freshbooks specific folders, message classes and solution module, and in this article we'll continue building our Outlook plug-in... Read the rest of this entry →

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