‘Add-in Express for Office and .net’ category archive

WPF Controls for Office development smackdown

We saw some interesting results with 3rd party UI control vendor products and Microsoft Office in my last article. In today's article we'll see how the same vendors' Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) controls suites look like in Microsoft Office ... Read the rest of this entry →

Add-in Express will sim-ship with Visual Studio 11

I am pleased to announce that we have published Beta 1 of the new major version 7.0 of Add-in Express for Office and .net to simultaneously ship our cornerstone product with coming Visual Studio 11 betas and releases... Read the rest of this entry →

Windows Forms controls smackdown (for MS Office)

Add-in Express provides us with some awesome tools for adding our own Office Task Panes and advance Outlook form and view regions, but making the UI elements on those panes and regions look good, is up to us... Read the rest of this entry →

How To: Create a new distribution list item in Outlook

Sometimes Outlook users need to send their e-mails to the same recipients. The Outlook Object Model provides the DistListItem class exactly for this task. The distribution list represents a group of contacts that are related in some way... Read the rest of this entry →

Outlook, custom task pane and drag-drop problem

I want to share a solution to the problem related to using drag-n-drop in my Outlook 2010 add-in. The task was as follows: we needed to implement a UserControl that would accept MailItem or Selection by using the dragging functions, or more precisely Drag-and-Drop. ... Read the rest of this entry →

How To: Remove a Personal Folders file from the current Outlook profile

In my previous post we discussed how to add a new personal folders store to the Outlook profile. Now I would like to reveal the opposite action – how to remove a personal folders store... Read the rest of this entry →

How To: Create a new Outlook Personal Folders store and add it to the current profile

Sometimes developers need to add an additional store in Outlook for archiving e-mails, making backup copies of email conversations etc. The AddStore method of the Namespace class of the Outlook Object Model provides the required functionality... Read the rest of this entry →

How To: Use Restrict method to retrieve Outlook Task items

Today I would like to show you how to filter task items using the Restrict method of the Items class which the Outlook Object Model provides for developers... Read the rest of this entry →

Add-in Express vs. VSTO – Microsoft Office developer happiness

This being the eighth and final instalment of the Add-in Express vs. VSTO series, I thought I'd wrap up with what could possibly be the most important feature of Add-in Express: Developer Happiness... Read the rest of this entry →

Add-in Express vs. VSTO: Office add-in deployment

Planning the deployment of any software product is something most of us leave right to the end of the project. It makes logical sense to do so, everything that needs to be built is built and we know what we need to deploy... Read the rest of this entry →

Add-in Express vs. VSTO: Custom Office task panes

A task pane is a dockable window which was first introduced in Microsoft Office XP. It provided a new and convenient way for users to gather information and access common features and commands. Chances are that if you’ve used any application in the Microsoft Office suite you would have used a task pane... Read the rest of this entry →

How To: Use Outlook Find and FindNext methods to retrieve Task items

In my previous articles I described how to use Find and FindNext methods to retrieve Outlook mail items, contact and calendar items. Now I am going to show you how to apply the Find and FindNext methods for Outlook task items... Read the rest of this entry →

Add-in Express vs. VSTO: Outlook regions

Microsoft Outlook regions are cool. It offers developers the ability to add their own custom functionality to the standard Microsoft Outlook Inspector or Explorer windows... Read the rest of this entry →

How to intercept clicking an Office Ribbon control or command bar button

There are three ways to invoke a command of an Office application: click a built-in Ribbon button (2007-2010); click a built-in CommandBar button (Office 2000-2003 and some Office 2007 applications) and press a keyboard shortcut... Read the rest of this entry →

Add-in Express vs. VSTO: Customizing Backstage View and context menu

One of the first articles I wrote for Add-in Express was about the Office 2010 Backstage View. Microsoft Office 2010 was still new and users of Office where still getting used to Microsoft's new approach to the "File" menu. The Add-in Express Backstage view component has since received a new and very impressive visual designer that makes designing the Backstage view a piece of cake ... Read the rest of this entry →

How To: Create a new recurrent Task item in Outlook

There are two item types that can be recurrent in Outlook: appointment and task items. In one of my earlier posts described the first one. Now I am going to tell you the story about task items... Read the rest of this entry →

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