‘Add-in Express for Office and .net’ category archive
Ty Anderson | May 10th, 2011
Microsoft Excel supports multiple types of add-in architectures, from XLLs to user-defined functions and COM add-ins to real-time data servers. Each have their own interface in Excel and each require separate sets of technical knowledge to use them effectively leaving a developer just wondering where to begin...
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.NET, COM add-ins, Excel |
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Ty Anderson | April 18th, 2011
Office users love Microsoft Outlook. But users often have unique productivity methods that often don't quite fit within Outlook's out of the box features set. Thinks to Add-in Express this isn't a problem! Developers can extend the Outlook user interface by implementing something known as version neutral regions...
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.NET, Outlook, Outlook regions |
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Eric Legault | April 15th, 2011
If you haven't been to our website in a while (or been following us on Twitter), you may have missed a very important resource that we published this year: our new Add-in Express Learning Center. Think of these pages as your entry point to Add-in Express development - a one-stop-shop to help you quickly locate technical articles...
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COM add-ins, Visual Studio |
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Dmitry Kostochko | April 8th, 2011
The next Inspector region that we target is RightSubpane. This region is located on the right of the Inspector window, it can be bound to any Outlook items such as mail, task, contact, etc...
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.NET, COM add-ins, Outlook, Outlook regions, VB.NET, Visual Studio |
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Ty Anderson | March 25th, 2011
Office developers like to build solutions of all shapes and sizes. And if we only compare building of Office solutions to building buildings, we'll see that the fun part is the stuff you can see like the doors and the windows the façade and the paint – all the things that are visually appealing, the things that your users notice. The less desirable part of buildings is the stuff you don't see, perhaps the plumbing...
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.NET, COM add-ins, Office, Visual Studio |
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