‘Video HowTo samples’ category archive

Video HowTo: Advanced Word task panes – Top task pane (VB.NET)

The next pane of the Word task panes series that we are going to explore is the Advanced Top Task Pane. We are going to create a new COM add-in that will work in Microsoft Word 2000 - 2010, add a custom task pane and bind it to the top position... Read the rest of this entry →

Video HowTo: Advanced Word task panes – Left task pane (VB.NET)

To continue with a series of short video how-to demonstrating the capabilities of Add-in Express in customizing the Microsoft Office UI, we will explorer the Advanced Word Task Panes... Read the rest of this entry →

Video HowTo: Outlook Inspector regions – InspectorRegion region (VB.NET)

Today we are going to review the potential of InspectorRegion. Using this region you can add your own form underneath the main page of any Outlook Inspector window, such as mail, contact, appointment etc. Let's see how to create it... Read the rest of this entry →

Video: Extend Outlook UI with advanced version neutral regions

Office users love Microsoft Outlook. But users often have unique productivity methods that often don't quite fit within Outlook's out of the box features set. Thinks to Add-in Express this isn't a problem! Developers can extend the Outlook user interface by implementing something known as version neutral regions... Read the rest of this entry →

Video HowTo: Outlook Inspector regions – BottomSubpane region (VB.NET)

Today we are going to shed some light on the capabilities of the BottomSubpane region. We will create our own advanced region and host it to the bottom part of the Inspector window that contains mail items... Read the rest of this entry →

Video: Take your Outlook plug-in development to another level (C#, VB.NET)

If Microsoft Office is a productivity suite, then Microsoft Outlook is the foundation of Office productivity. Office users spend a significant portion of their day using the programs to do things like manage emails, keep an appointment calendar, maintain a contacts database, track To-Do lists etc... Read the rest of this entry →

Video HowTo: Outlook Inspector regions – RightSubpane region (VB.NET)

The next Inspector region that we target is RightSubpane. This region is located on the right of the Inspector window, it can be bound to any Outlook items such as mail, task, contact, etc... Read the rest of this entry →

Video HowTo: Outlook Inspector regions – TopSubpane region (VB.NET)

In today's part of this short video how-to series covering Inspector regions, we are going to explorer the capacities of the TopSubpane region... Read the rest of this entry →

Video HowTo: Outlook Inspector regions – LeftSubpane region (VB.NET)

In our todays' video example of customizing the Outlook Inspector window we are going to look into the capabilities of the LeftSubpane region... Read the rest of this entry →

Video HowTo: Outlook Inspector regions – CompleteReplacement region (VB.NET)

In version 6.4 of Add-in Express for Office and .net that we published just yesterday, a new Inspector region type is introduced - CompleteReplacement. I think it's a good idea to begin our inspector regions series with this region, it's always a fun to learn something new... Read the rest of this entry →

Video: Add-in Express visual designers – skip coding your custom Office components, simply draw them!

Office developers like to build solutions of all shapes and sizes. And if we only compare building of Office solutions to building buildings, we'll see that the fun part is the stuff you can see like the doors and the windows the façade and the paint – all the things that are visually appealing, the things that your users notice. The less desirable part of buildings is the stuff you don't see, perhaps the plumbing... Read the rest of this entry →

Video HowTo: Outlook Explorer regions – DockBottom region (VB.NET)

Now the turn has come to the last of the Explorer regions, and today we are going to create the DockBottom region. This specific region, supported by Outlook 2007 and 2010, resides underneath the Navigation Pane, Outlook super grid pane (list of items) and To-Do bar... Read the rest of this entry →

Video: Add-in Express Regions for Outlook and VSTO

A couple of weeks ago Eric Legault made mention of the new Add-in Express product known as Add-in Express Regions for Outlook and VSTO. I've had the pleasure of working with this new product for several weeks and I think it is a winner... Read the rest of this entry →

Video HowTo: Outlook Explorer regions – DockRight region (VB.NET)

The DockRight region is a special region type that is supported by Outlook 2007 and 2010 only. It is located on the right of the To-Do bar. In this video how-to we are going to create a new DockRight region and bind it to Outlook folders containing Mail, Appointment, Contacts and Task items... Read the rest of this entry →

Video: How Add-in Express makes Office development rewarding

Office development is a rewarding experience providing you the developer using Visual Studio the opportunity to impact the lives of users of all shapes and sizes. Using Office as the development platform, you can build solutions that integrate with your users' business processes and simplify their life... Read the rest of this entry →

Video: How Microsoft Office abuses its developers and how Add-in Express stops this

If you have any experience in developing solutions on the Office platform, you have most likely learnt that Office has the tendency to abuse its developers. One of the main reasons for this is that Office is comprised of several different applications like Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint and Word, and each of these applications has their own object model that you need to understand and master when building your solutions... Read the rest of this entry →

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