Video: How to develop Outlook plugin – architecture and programming model
The 2010 version of Add-in Express for Office and .NET will be released soon. As you might expect, the upcoming release will support the significant new features included with Office 2010 while also supporting previous versions of Office (all the way back to Office 2000). Features like the Backstage, Outlook Form Regions, the Office Fluent User Interface (aka The Ribbon), and new Office events.
There is a lot of new stuff to cover but since this is my first video, I thought I should start at the beginning by covering the Add-in Express architecture and programming model. In this video, I provide an overview of both while showing you how to create an Outlook 2010 addin project using Visual Studio 2010 and Add-in Express. The add-in itself doesn't do anything but helps illustrate how you go about developing Outlook plug-ins with Add-in Express. In the video I explain how to work with the ADX AddInModule to create common items like Ribbons, Task Panes, keyboard shortcuts, etc. I also cover how to setup your project for debugging purposes and how to create a deployment package. That's quite a lot for one video! But don't worry, I move fast to provide a solid overview.
I created this video using Beta 1 of the Add-in Express 2010 for Office and .NET.