Posts Tagged ‘COM add-ins’
Dmitry Kostochko | April 9th, 2010
To resize your custom Office task pane, you need to use the trivial Width and Height properties of the particular instance of your task pane. There is just one important thing - the Splitter property should be set to None...
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.NET, COM add-ins, Excel, Outlook, Outlook regions, PowerPoint, Ribbon, task panes, VB.NET, Visual Studio, Word |
Andrei Smolin | March 24th, 2010
You know, a pessimist differs from an optimist by his attitude to a glass: the former thinks the glass is half empty, while the latter considers it's half full. When I was contemplating on the circumstances that made me write this post, I worked out another definition...
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.NET, C#, COM add-ins, Excel, Office, RTD servers, XLL |
Andrei Smolin | March 16th, 2010
When accessing a COM type library in .NET via early binding you need to use a corresponding interop. An interop for an Office application is a .NET assembly providing meta-information about objects, properties, methods, and parameters available in the type library (=object model) of the Office application. Microsoft provides interops for all Office applications starting from Office version 2002...
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.NET, COM add-ins, Office, Outlook, PIAs, Visual Studio |
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Eugene Starostin | March 5th, 2010
Every time when I set about to write on some topic like this, I am torn by internal strife - whether to develop a theme in such a major-marketing tone, so characteristic of bravura press-releases that have already flooded web-sites of component vendors, or simply publish a post on the blog...
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.NET, COM add-ins, Delphi, Deployment, Office, Visual Studio, VSTO |