Posts Tagged ‘COM add-ins’
Dmitry Kostochko | February 26th, 2010
A couple of weeks ago I came across an interesting article on MSDN - Building a C++ Add-in for Outlook 2010. Aha, Outlook 2010, I need to scrutinize it when I have a spare minute, definitely I will find something remarkable there. This is what I thought when added a new task with the link to that article to my TODO list. Well, I've got a spare minute today...
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.NET, COM add-ins, Outlook, Outlook regions, VB.NET, Visual Studio |
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Eugene Starostin | February 5th, 2010
We started Generation 2010 in November, 2009 and even had time to release Add-in Express 2010 for Internet Explorer. As for "Office", for quite a long time there have been more questions than answers. And, quite naturally, we've been dependent not only on the plans of Microsoft but Embarcadero's schedule as well...
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.NET, COM add-ins, Delphi, Office, Outlook, Visual Studio, VSTO |
Dmitry Kostochko | February 5th, 2010
Today's HowTo sample is devoted to the capabilities of Add-in Express Advanced Regions for modifying Outlook 2007 views. You can use Advanced Regions to embed your .NET form into a native Outlook view and modify such Outlook Explorer parts as Reading pane, List of items (Supergrid), place your custom form under the Navigation pane, etc...
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.NET, COM add-ins, Outlook, Outlook regions, VB.NET, Visual Studio, VSTO |
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Dmitry Kostochko | January 29th, 2010
In this video we will again be going over possible ways of customization the Outlook Explorer UI with Add-in Express for Office and .NET components. In the first part of the serious we focused on customizing the Outlook Explorer menu. Today we will explorer the capabilities of the ADXOlExplorerCommandBar component that you can use to add your own toolbars and modify existing ones...
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.NET, COM add-ins, Outlook, VB.NET, Visual Studio |
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