Posts Tagged ‘COM add-ins’

Video HowTo: Develop a plug-in for Outlook 2000 – 2010 in VB.NET

Outlook is one of the most in-demand applications of the Microsoft Office Suite. That is why it has always been a featured application for Add-in Express. In this video HowTo sample we will show you how to customize the Outlook GUI in minutes using the Add-in Express components and visual designers... Read the rest of this entry →

Video HowTo: Create an Excel COM add-in in Visual Studio

This sample starts the new series of visual HowTo. We thought it would be a good idea to give you a sort of hands on training with Add-in Express. Today we are going to look at one of the most frequent tasks, creating a COM add-in for Microsoft Office.... Read the rest of this entry →

HowTo: Get an attachment size in Outlook 2000 – 2007, part 2

In the previous sample, I showed how to get the PR_ATTACH_SIZE Extended MAPI property that returns the size of an Attachment object. To be more precise, it returns the size of the attached file and the size of some internal info. In most cases that makeweight does not matter at all... Read the rest of this entry →

HowTo: Get an attachment size in Outlook 2000 – 2010, part 1

The new Size property of the Attachment object was introduced in the Outlook 2007 Object Model. There exist at least two methods of getting the attachment size in older Outlook versions... Read the rest of this entry →

HowTo: Drag and drop onto a minimized Outlook Region and Word Task Pane

In one of the previous posts, we examined the possibilities of retrieving properties from Outlook MailItem when dragging this item onto your custom form. Here is that post: How to get properties of an Outlook email item drag-and-dropped onto a .NET form. But what if the Advanced Region is in a Minimized state? In this case the form is hidden and none of the standard events will work... Read the rest of this entry →

HowTo: Avoid limitations of Microsoft Outlook ItemAdd event

The description of the ItemAdd event is laconic and compact - "Occurs when one or more items are added to the specified collection. This event does not run when a large number of items are added to the folder at once." But what is really implied by the words "a large number of items"?... Read the rest of this entry →

HowTo: Convert Exchange-based email address into SMTP email address

It would be true to say "get" rather than "convert". There could be only one right way – to use Extended MAPI. Another method is described in the MSDN article: How to retrieve alternate e-mail addresses by using CDO, but we will not see into this approach, because CDO is optional in Outlook 2003 and is absent completely in Outlook 2007... Read the rest of this entry →

HowTo: Support Office 2007 color schemes in your custom forms and task panes

In Office 2007 there are 3 available color schemes – Black, Blue and Silver. The background of controls in command bars and ribbon tabs is changed by Office automatically. Do you want to try changing the background of your Outlook forms and Excel task panes when the MS Office color scheme is changed?... Read the rest of this entry →

Office Alarm – Office Live Add-in and Word 2003

Strange things mentioned in my previous post continue to happen. To the bug successfully fixed in the Office Live Add-in on Excel 2007, there's added a nasty and so far no-solution problem with the same add-in, this time on Word 2003... Read the rest of this entry →

Office Alarm – Excel experienced a serious problem with the ‘microsoft office live add-in’

Strange things started happening around us. Swine flu added to the global economic crisis, and we have problems with Office 2007 and the Office Live Add-in added to our pre-release testing for compatibility with the recently released Office Service Pack 2. The fact of the matter is that... Read the rest of this entry →

HowTo: Identify the state and location of an Outlook form

Add-in Express 2008 allows placing several forms into one Outlook region or task pane. In addition, Add-in Express 2009 enables the end-user to drag and drop custom forms to wherever they want to (naturally, with the developer's permission). Do you need to know where your form is now and in what state? Of course, you do... Read the rest of this entry →

HowTo: Work with threads in Microsoft Office COM add-ins

It is generally known that the Microsoft Office Object Model is not thread safe and accessing some object, property or method not from the main thread may sometimes result in a host application crash. Of course, nothing prevents you from using threads inside the add-in itself, threads that don't need the Office Object Model... Read the rest of this entry →

Add-in Express 2009 – Beta 2 download links

If your professional or premium subscription has not expired yet, or if you purchased Add-in Express after December 15, 2008, the upgrade is free for you. Otherwise, you can upgrade for 50% off the regular price... Read the rest of this entry →

Add-in Express 2009 – Beta 2 what’s new and fixed

Yesterday, on the 2nd of April, we uploaded beta 2 of Add-in Express 2009. Please, do not confuse it with Add-in Express 2010, announced in the April, 1 newsletter. Today, let it be a serious talk :)... Read the rest of this entry →

April 1st newsletter – Support for VisiCalc, WordStar, OpenOffice and ClosedOffice

Two days ago, that was April, 1, we sent out a newsletter (you certainly got it if you are on our mailing list) that didn't contain any valuable information at all, no features, no bug fixes, no enhancements. Just a couple of jokes and a few comments that I thought were funny enough to make our customers laugh. Why do I recur to that newsletter here and now? Because the feedback I received was just staggering!... Read the rest of this entry →

Converting existing Office COM add-in projects to Add-in Express

Last week I had a chance to check out how easy the conversion process is. A customer related about troubles he was having when trying to get his Outlook add-ins to work. Soon it became clear that this is yet another case of a VSTO add-in colliding with Microsoft Dynamics CRM Outlook add-in ...... Read the rest of this entry →

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