Posts Tagged ‘.NET’

Video HowTo: Outlook Explorer regions – LeftReadingPane region (VB.NET)

After a short break, let's go on with the serious of our small HowTo samples. Now it's time to look into different ways of customizing the Outlook Reading Pane... Read the rest of this entry →

Building a Real Time Data for Excel: Avoiding Application Domain misery, part 8

This is a short but important subject (assuming you're using Addin Express for Office and .net). There are 3 types of Add-in Express module used in Geodesix ... Read the rest of this entry →

Building a Real Time Data server for Excel: Talking to the GoogleMaps APIs, part 7

This subject is already extremely well documented here, so I'll just point you to the relevant code. The call to GoogleMaps is at #7# in Geodesic.Resolve.Resolve... Read the rest of this entry →

Building an Excel Real Time Data server: Providing easy-to-read function names, part 6

Geeks like us have no qualms about typing =RTD("Geodesix.RTD",,"geocode","status","Tokyo") in an Excel cell to get a value. Normal people find this a bit clumsy, and it would be nice to humour them. Excel provides a way to this quite simply ... Read the rest of this entry →

Building a Real Time Data: Excel, multithreading and callbacks, part 5

Excel's muilti-threading is a strange beast. As we saw in part 4: Building a Real Time Data for Excel: Architecture, Excel calls happily but won't receive unsolicited calls. This is perfectly reasonable once you understand the Windows message pump, if the UI thread is waiting on a Dialog box, it can't accept other work... Read the rest of this entry →

How to add a custom header to your Outlook form or task pane: C# and VB.NET

Usual Add-in Express advanced region or task pane can has a header - a multi-functional area above the region that allows the end-user to minimize the region, close it or switch between forms located in the same region... Read the rest of this entry →

Building a Real Time Data for Excel: Architecture, part 4

This is part 4 of the tutorial that describes the techniques necessary to build an Excel RTD server. If you have just come to this page, I suggest you read all parts in order, here is Building a Real Time Data for Excel, part 1. Putting together an RTD server is not particularly difficult… once you […]... Read the rest of this entry →

Building a Real Time Data for Excel: How RTD servers work, part 3

There are plenty of articles on Excel RTD programming, but I've yet to see one that correctly addresses the issues of multi-tasking. All the examples rely on a toy timer-driven application, which is not how real-world applications work ... Read the rest of this entry →

Announcing two new “Power Toys” for Outlook

While our Add-in Express Toys illustrate how to use our framework to build add-ins in general (the current samples are for Outlook, Excel, Word and Internet Explorer), our new super-premium high-octane (but still FREE!) Add-in Express Power Toys go one step further by adding missing functionality to our favourite Office applications!... Read the rest of this entry →

Building a Real Time Data server for Excel: Avoiding VSTO, part 2

When I first started programming addins for MS Office, I took the obvious road of installing Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO). It all seemed rather easy and I had a toy excel addin completed in the first evening. My enthusiasm was quickly doused when I tried to deploy the addin. ... Read the rest of this entry →

Building a Real-Time Data server for Excel, part 1

In my series of posts I will describes the techniques necessary to build a Real Time Data (RTD) server for Microsoft Excel. It is based on what I learned whilst coding GeodesiX, an Excel addin that uses the GoogleMaps APIs to provide Excel formulas to fulfil these functions ... Read the rest of this entry →

Advanced region events: how to know that the user expanded your form?

Hello folks! Through our forums and e-mail, we are frequently asked questions like this by our fellow developers: How do I know that the user expanded my Add-in Express form? In this article, I will cover the events that are raised when the region is expanded and other events that occur when the region's state is changed... Read the rest of this entry →

Video: Outlook context sensitivity

A couple of weeks ago, Pieter wrote a great post that explains how to use context sensitivity when customizing the Outlook user interface. Context sensitivity allows you to dynamically change the user interface depending upon what the user is doing within Outlook... Read the rest of this entry →

How to highlight Outlook forms programmatically

Version 6.3 of Add-in Express for Office and .net provides us with a new method to highlight form regions in Microsoft Outlook. Let's test the new method by creating a new Visual Studio 2010 ADX COM Add-in project... Read the rest of this entry →

Video: Outlook 2010 Solution Modules

In Office 2010, Microsoft introduced the Outlook solutions module to give us developers the capability to create custom modules for Outlook. What's a custom module? It's an Outlook add-in that... Read the rest of this entry →

100% version neutrality for your Office extensions

Finally, when you completed your add-in, there is no need to build separate setup programs for different versions of Office. Generating a setup program is as simple as right-clicking your project in the Visual Studio Solution Explorer and selecting Create Setup Project from the context menu... Read the rest of this entry →

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