Posts Tagged ‘.NET’
Andrei Smolin | December 19th, 2008
As you probably know the .NET Framework provides a number of advantages when compared to Win32 programming. Say, administrators have by far more control over your code – they may restrict your code to use these or those resources or permissions. While it puts some limits on developers, companies are able to build environments that are safer and more controllable. ...
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.NET, C#, Delphi, Office, VB.NET |
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Eugene Starostin | November 28th, 2008
Many of you have already enquired about our roadmap for the year 2009. Its rough outline is ready, but as you understand, we reserve the right to introduce some changes. Well, now in more detail......
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.NET, Delphi, IE add-ons, Office, Outlook, Outlook security, Visual Studio, VSTO |
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Eugene Astafiev | November 21st, 2008
There are plenty of articles in the web dwelling upon new possibilities of Outlook 2007 programming. Among the most frequently discussed issues is how to access and set various MAPI properties and how the PropertyAccessor can help with this. Let's have a close look at the new classes which were introduced in Outlook 2007 and […]...
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.NET, MAPI, Object model, Outlook |
Eugene Astafiev | April 25th, 2008
Sometimes you need to process incoming e-mails and meeting requests in order to retrieve sender data for your CRM, to save attachments to your Document Management System (DMS), to process automated e-mails, or to convert selected incoming messages to plain text. Whenever you need to track incoming e-mails, you face the following Outlook events: NewMail, NewMailEx, and ItemAdd. ...
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.NET, MAPI, Object model, Outlook |
Eugene Astafiev | April 7th, 2008
Microsoft Outlook and Exchange are among the most popular applications utilizing MAPI. Add-in Express provides Outlook developers with a free component, MAPI Store Accessor, that hides MAPI complexities to provide developers with easy access to MAPI features....
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.NET, MAPI, Outlook |
Eugene Astafiev | March 14th, 2008
When I started developing IE add-ons I found out that Internet Explorer might generate a huge number of threads and processes and that my add-on is created in each of those threads. However, my plug-in contains data that should be accessible for all instances of the IE add-on. In this post, I will tell you how to make communication between IE add-on instances easy using Add-in Express for Internet Explorer....
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.NET, IE add-ons |