Posts Tagged ‘Outlook’
Ty Anderson | April 5th, 2013
Today, I will cover 4 topics of Outlook development tasks that are not commonly known or mainstream. You can argue about how well known each task is but you will lose. These tasks are not commonly known because you don't always need them. They are beyond the basics. But, if you master them, you can look upon other Outlook developer with a snooty little smirk...
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MAPI, Object model, Outlook |
Ty Anderson | January 30th, 2013
If you decide to build an Outlook add-in, you're going to want to customize the user interface. If you start customizing the Outlook user interface, you'll probably build a custom ribbon. If you build a custom Outlook ribbon, you'll want to put some controls on it like a button that toggles, a checkbox, and a drop down control
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COM add-ins, Outlook, Ribbon, VB.NET |
Part of the allure of customizing or even adding your entire application inside Outlook is the ability to add your own .Net forms inside the Outlook Explorer and Inspector windows. In this article I'll show you how easy it is to create your own custom Outlook 2013 and Outlook 2010 forms using Add-in Express for Office and .net...
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Office 2013, Outlook, Outlook regions |
Ty Anderson | January 14th, 2013
The Ribbon revolutionized the Office user interface when originally introduced in Office 2007. Using Visual Studio's out-of-the-box tools, you can build custom Ribbon's for your solutions. BUT… Microsoft provides visual designers for a small subset of ribbon controls. Meaning, you will need to write lots of XML to complete your customization
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Office, Office 2013, Outlook, Ribbon |
The Microsoft Outlook Rules is a very powerful feature that can sometimes get lost amongst the myriad other features and abilities of Outlook. Many Outlook programmers do not realise that Microsoft introduced a new rules object model in Outlook 2007 allowing developers to harness the power of Outlook rules...
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.NET, C#, COM add-ins, Outlook, Visual Studio |
Years ago I found this article by Helmut Obertanner on CodeProject. In this article Helmut explains how you can replace the built-in Outlook Address book dialog with your own form. I was amazed and intrigued! This approach is a great way to provide your users with a custom address form that is able to retrieve contact address information from literally any source e.g. CRM or customer database...
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.NET, C#, COM add-ins, Outlook |
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When creating a new Office extension with Add-in Express for Office and .net you have the option to design your entire add-in user interface using our visual designers, by simply dropping the various components on the design surface of the AddinModule. This is fine for most Office add-ins especially when you do not require a […]...
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.NET, C#, COM add-ins, Office, Outlook |
Ty Anderson | October 22nd, 2012
It looks like Microsoft is going to go ahead and release Office 2013 sooner rather than later. I suppose you can argue they already have with the recent pre-ordering of Windows Surface (which comes with Office 2013 RT). Whether or not you consider Office 2013 RT to really be Office is up to you. It can be your opinion
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.NET, COM add-ins, Office 2013, Outlook |
If you've read my last article, you would've seen I mentioned that Outlook 2013 has become a lot stricter when checking add-in performance for such metrics as add-in start-up, shutdown, item open and folder switching. If you do have a few misbehaving plug-ins, you might also have seen this new information bar when starting Outlook 2013 "A problem was detected with an add-in and it has been disabled"
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COM add-ins, Office 2013, Outlook |
The new Office brought with it some mayor changes and we've been focusing on the biggest change: the new app framework. But, Apps for Office is not the only new feature, Outlook 2013 Preview brings with it the following important changes...
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Office 2013, Outlook |
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