Posts Tagged ‘Visual Studio’

Video HowTo: Create a custom Explorer bar for Internet Explorer (VB.NET)

Let's talk about extending Internet Explorer user interface. What visual feature is most frequently used by an average user? I bet it is Favorites, of course after the Address Bar... Read the rest of this entry →

RTD Servers and Add-in Express 2010

Real-time data (RTD) is data that updates on its own schedule. The most common example is stock quotes, warehouse activities and web server loads. In this post, Northwind Traders has requested a sales dashboard in Excel that updates sales figures and targets dynamically by reading order information from their sales database... Read the rest of this entry →

HowTo: Communicate with a COM add-in from a standalone application

In order to get a standalone application to communicate with a COM add-in, the application needs to have access to the running host application (Microsoft Excel in our case), get the COMAddins collection, find a needed instance of the add-in there and use reflection to call public methods or retrieve public properties... Read the rest of this entry →

Video: Build and control Advanced Task Panes in Add-in Express 2010

What I really write about today is the topic of Office task panes. Office 2003 calls them action panes. Office 2007 and 2010 call them custom task panes. At Add-in Express , they are known as Advanced Task Panes. What are they?... Read the rest of this entry →

Controlling Outlook region’s state and form’s size in Add-in Express 2010

Here I will tell you how and where you can control the state of the regions where a custom task pane or an Outlook region is located, and also show how you can control the size of those forms... Read the rest of this entry →

Outlook Security Manager deployment: Summary

If your application uses the Outlook Security Manager component, you need to know how to deploy it properly. I hope that my series of article will help you on the road. In this final part I will try to sum up all the main points for you to orient yourself better in all this information... Read the rest of this entry →

MS Office toolbar and Ribbon UI images style guide

Add-in Express for Office and .net supports several types of images on controls of Microsoft Office applications. These are bmp, png and ico formats. But not all the formats can be used in all versions of Microsoft Office... Read the rest of this entry →

Outlook Security Manager 2010 deployment: Reg Free COM & ClickOnce for Outlook 2010 64-bit, part 5

In part 2 of this series HowTo: Deploy Outlook Security Manager with ClickOnce using Reg Free COM we had a close look at how to deploy your standalone application with ClickOnce, if it uses the Outlook Security Manager component... Read the rest of this entry →

Office 2010 Solutions Module and Add-in Express 2010

I'm sure a lot of us use MS Outlook as our primary application when developing solutions hosted on the MS Office platform or when doing simple productivity enhancing add-ins. Using Outlook is an obvious choice, think about it... Read the rest of this entry →

Video: Add-in Express in-place GUI designers (on an example of Outlook add-in)

A key component of any Office add-in is the custom UI you develop for your users. And with Office, your add-in almost always requires a button or two in the Office menu or Ribbon. Add-in Express has long made it easy to build custom menus (aka CommandBars) and Ribbons... Read the rest of this entry →

.Net Framework 4, NoPIA and Add-in Express 2010

Let’s take a break from the Northwind Traders application for a while and talk about a new feature available in .Net Framework 4 : NoPIA or Type Embedding. As you all know when we developed Office Add-ins or applications that integrated with the Office suite of products we have to include a reference to the Office PIAs or Primary Interop Assemblies ... Read the rest of this entry →

Video: How to develop Outlook plugin – architecture and programming model

The 2010 version of Add-in Express for Office and .NET will be released soon. As you might expect, the upcoming release will support the significant new features included with Office 2010 while also supporting previous versions of Office (all the way back to Office 2000)... Read the rest of this entry →

Customizing Office 2010 Backstage View with Add-in Express

Those of us that have already started using Office 2010, would’ve notice something unexpected when clicking on the file menu. Instead of the normal menu, you’ll notice a whole page occupying your screen. This is known as the backstage view... Read the rest of this entry →

Add-in Express 2010 and Office add-ins: Getting started

I have used Add-in Express before and can honestly say that if you want to develop an MS Office add-in this product is definitely a worthwhile investment. In this post I’ll explain the benefits and some of the key features of Add-in Express 2010 for Office and .net when creating a small Office Add-in that is shared among Excel, Word and Outlook.... Read the rest of this entry →

Add-in Express 2010 for Office: new GUI designers and the new guy

Firstly, let me introduce myself, I’m Pieter van der Westhuizen, a recent addition to the Add-in Express team and I will be your host on a series of blog posts covering various aspects of the Add-in Express product range. As a keen user of the Add-in Express tools, this is an ideal opportunity to share my knowledge and experience with like-minded users... Read the rest of this entry →

Office 2010 RTM and Visual Studio 2010 RTM fully supported by Add-in Express 2010 Beta 2

I know for sure that quite an impressive number of our customers (about 2 thousands) are already using the previous beta to their utmost. To all of them as well as to those of you who received the keys but haven't thought yet about the compatibility with Office 2010, I recommend installing beta 2. And here is why... Read the rest of this entry →

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