Working with Word document properties, bookmarks, content controls and quick parts
The Microsoft Word object model is a complex and varied one. You can really get an appreciation for Word as a piece of software after spending some time slogging it out with the Microsoft Word object model.
Even though the object model can be somewhat daunting it gives you amazing flexibility and power over programmatically bending MS Word to your will. In today’s article we’ll have a look at the Microsoft Word document properties, content controls, quick parts and bookmarks, and how you can access and use these objects in your own add-ins. I will provide C# code examples for each of the following items and you can download the C# Word sample add-in at the end of the article:
Word document properties
Document properties are available for Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents and act as metadata for the documents. Office stores a range of standard built-in properties for each document, such as Title, Author and Keywords etc.
Retrieving a list of built-in Word document properties
To retrieve a list of built-in Word document properties, use the DocumentProperties object. This object is shared amongst the other MS Office applications and can be found in the Microsoft.Office.Core namespace.
private void adxRibbonButtonShowBuiltInProperties_OnClick( object sender, IRibbonControl control, bool pressed) { Word.Document doc = null; Microsoft.Office.Core.DocumentProperties docprops = null; try { doc = WordApp.ActiveDocument; docprops = doc.BuiltInDocumentProperties as Microsoft.Office.Core.DocumentProperties; string props = string.Empty; foreach (Microsoft.Office.Core.DocumentProperty prop in docprops) { object propValue = null; try { propValue = prop.Value; if (propValue != null) { props += String.Format("{0} : {1}{2}", prop.Name, propValue, Environment.NewLine); } } catch { continue; } } MessageBox.Show(props); } finally { if (docprops != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(docprops); if (doc != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(doc); } }
Changing a built-in Word document property’s value
To change the value of a built-in property is fairly straightforward. You need to get an instance of the DocumentProperties collection and declare a new property to hold a reference to the built-in property you want to update.
private void adxRibbonButtonSetBuiltinPropertyValue_OnClick( object sender, IRibbonControl control, bool pressed) { Word.Document doc = null; Microsoft.Office.Core.DocumentProperties docprops = null; Microsoft.Office.Core.DocumentProperty titleProperty = null; try { doc = WordApp.ActiveDocument; docprops = doc.BuiltInDocumentProperties as Microsoft.Office.Core.DocumentProperties; titleProperty = docprops["Title"]; if (titleProperty != null) { titleProperty.Value = "A new Title"; } doc.Save(); } finally { if (titleProperty != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(titleProperty); if (docprops != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(docprops); if (doc != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(doc); } }
Creating a custom Word document property
The Word object model allows you to store additional information about the document inside the custom document properties. To create a custom document property, use the following code:
private void adxRibbonButtonCreateCustomProperty_OnClick( object sender, IRibbonControl control, bool pressed) { Word.Document doc = null; Microsoft.Office.Core.DocumentProperties docprops = null; Microsoft.Office.Core.DocumentProperty projectNameProperty = null; try { doc = WordApp.ActiveDocument; docprops = doc.CustomDocumentProperties as Microsoft.Office.Core.DocumentProperties; projectNameProperty = docprops.Add( "Customer Name", false, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoDocProperties.msoPropertyTypeString, "Add-in Express"); doc.Save(); } finally { if (projectNameProperty != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(projectNameProperty); if (docprops != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(docprops); if (doc != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(doc); } }
Changing a custom Word document property value
You can change a custom document property value with the following code:
private void adxRibbonButtonSetCustomPropertyValue_OnClick( object sender, IRibbonControl control, bool pressed) { Word.Document doc = null; Microsoft.Office.Core.DocumentProperties docprops = null; Microsoft.Office.Core.DocumentProperty projectNameProperty = null; try { doc = WordApp.ActiveDocument; docprops = doc.CustomDocumentProperties as Microsoft.Office.Core.DocumentProperties; projectNameProperty = docprops["Customer Name"]; projectNameProperty.Value = "Acme Inc."; doc.Save(); } finally { if (projectNameProperty != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(projectNameProperty); if (docprops != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(docprops); if (doc != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(doc); } }
Word bookmarks
A bookmark in Microsoft Word is exactly that, a bookmark for a specific location or selection within the document.
Creating a Word bookmark
To create a bookmark, first get a reference to the current document’s Selection object. This will give you access to a Range object, which is required in order to create the bookmark.
private void adxRibbonButtonCreateBookmark_OnClick( object sender, IRibbonControl control, bool pressed) { Word.Document doc = null; Word.Bookmarks bookmarks = null; Word.Bookmark myBookmark = null; Word.Range bookmarkRange = null; Word.Selection selection = null; try { doc = WordApp.ActiveDocument; selection = WordApp.Selection; bookmarkRange = selection.Range; bookmarks = doc.Bookmarks; myBookmark = bookmarks.Add("MyBookmark", bookmarkRange); } finally { if (selection != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(selection); if (bookmarkRange != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(bookmarkRange); if (myBookmark != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(myBookmark); if (bookmarks != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(bookmarks); if (doc != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(doc); } }
Inserting text at a Word bookmark
Once the bookmark has been created, you can insert any text at the bookmark location by getting a reference to the Bookmark object.
private void adxRibbonButtonInsertTextinBookmark_OnClick( object sender, IRibbonControl control, bool pressed) { Word.Document doc = null; Word.Bookmarks bookmarks = null; Word.Bookmark myBookmark = null; Word.Range bookmarkRange = null; try { doc = WordApp.ActiveDocument; bookmarks = doc.Bookmarks; myBookmark = bookmarks["MyBookmark"]; bookmarkRange = myBookmark.Range; bookmarkRange.Text="Hello World!"; } finally { if (bookmarkRange != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(bookmarkRange); if (myBookmark != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(myBookmark); if (bookmarks != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(bookmarks); if (doc != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(doc); } }
Retrieving a list of bookmarks
Use the code like this to retrieve a list of Word bookmarks:
to private void adxRibbonButtonListBookmarks_OnClick( object sender, IRibbonControl control, bool pressed) { Word.Document doc = null; Word.Bookmarks bookmarks = null; string bookmarkNames = string.Empty; try { doc = WordApp.ActiveDocument; bookmarks = doc.Bookmarks; for (int i = 1; i <= bookmarks.Count; i++) { bookmarkNames += bookmarks[i].Name + Environment.NewLine; } MessageBox.Show(bookmarkNames); } finally { if (bookmarks != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(bookmarks); if (doc != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(doc); } }
Word content controls
Word Content controls are a great way to build easy-to-complete forms in Microsoft Word. Word provides a range of content controls such as the Plain Text, Combo box, Check box and Date Picker content controls.
To manually insert these controls into a Word document, you’ll need to first show the Developer tab and then click on the controls inside the Controls ribbon group.
Inserting a Word content control
Word provides a reference to all the content controls in the document via the ContentControls collection. To create a new content control, use the following code:
private void adxRibbonButtonInsertContentControl_OnClick( object sender, IRibbonControl control, bool pressed) { Word.Document doc = null; Word.ContentControls contentControls = null; Word.ContentControl checkboxControl=null; Word.Selection selection = null; Word.Range selectionRange = null; try { doc = WordApp.ActiveDocument; selection = WordApp.Selection; selectionRange = selection.Range; contentControls = doc.ContentControls; checkboxControl = contentControls.Add( Word.WdContentControlType.wdContentControlCheckBox, selectionRange); checkboxControl.Title = "Agree to Terms and conditions"; doc.Save(); } finally { if (selectionRange != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(selectionRange); if (selection != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(selection); if (checkboxControl != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(checkboxControl); if (contentControls != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(contentControls); if (doc != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(doc); } }
Retrieving a list of all content controls
And the following code will get a list of all content comtrols:
private void adxRibbonButtonListContentControls_OnClick( object sender, IRibbonControl control, bool pressed) { Word.Document doc = null; Word.ContentControls contentControls = null; Word.ContentControl contentControl = null; string controlsList = string.Empty; try { doc = WordApp.ActiveDocument; contentControls = doc.ContentControls; for (int i = 1; i <=contentControls.Count; i++) { contentControl = contentControls[i]; controlsList += String.Format("{0} : {1}{2}", contentControl.Title, contentControl.Type,Environment.NewLine); if (contentControl != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(contentControl); } MessageBox.Show(controlsList); } finally { if (contentControls != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(contentControls); if (doc != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(doc); } }
Word quick parts
The Word Quick Parts gallery is a collection of reusable content including document properties and AutoText. You are also able to add your own pieces of reusable content to this gallery.
Adding WordArt to a Word document
Adding WordArt to a Word document programmatically can be somewhat complicated, as you need the left and top coordinates of where you would like to insert the text. But, once you’ve established that, adding WordArt is as simple as invoking the AddTextEffect method of the Word Shapes collection.
private void adxRibbonButtonInsertWordArt_OnClick( object sender, IRibbonControl control, bool pressed) { Word.Document doc = null; Word.Shapes shapes = null; Word.Selection selection = null; float left = 0; float top = 0; try { doc = WordApp.ActiveDocument; shapes = doc.Shapes; selection = WordApp.Selection; left = (float)selection.get_Information( Word.WdInformation.wdHorizontalPositionRelativeToPage); top = (float)selection.get_Information( Word.WdInformation.wdVerticalPositionRelativeToPage); shapes.AddTextEffect( Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoPresetTextEffect.msoTextEffect11, "You Name in WordArt Here", "Verdana", 26, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoFalse, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoFalse, left, top, Type.Missing); } finally { if (selection != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(selection); if (shapes != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(shapes); if (doc != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(doc); } }
When running the above code in MS Word the WordArt will look like the following image:
Thank you for reading. Until next time, keep coding!
Available downloads:
This sample Word add-in was developed using Add-in Express for Office and .net:
Word add-in development in Visual Studio for beginners:
- Part 1: Word add-in development – Application and base objects
- Part 2: Customizing Word UI – What is and isn’t customizable
- Part 3: Customizing Word main menu, context menus and Backstage view
- Part 4: Creating custom Word ribbons and toolbars
- Part 5: Building custom task panes for Word 2013 – 2003
- Part 6: Working with Word document content objects
- Part 7: Working with Word document designs, styles and printing
- Part 8: Working with multiple Microsoft Word documents
- Part 9: Using custom XML parts in Word add-ins
- Part 11: Populating Word documents with data from external sources
- Part 12: Working with Microsoft Word templates
I’m trying to add a content control to a word document. I’m having a problem with your example above in if I type
dim contentControls as Word.ContentControls
dim checkboxControl as Word.ContentControl
it says Word.ContentControls and Word.ContentControl is not defined.
I’m using Visual Studio 2010 and Addin Express for Office and .net version 7.2.4055
Can you help
Hi Andrew,
Do you have an Imports statement at the top of the file you’re declaring the ContentControl? e.g:
Imports Word = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word
Hi Pieter
Yes if have Word = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word in the imports
Im use Word a number of places in the solution
Hi Andrew,
Ah ok, in that case, are you targeting Office 2007 and up?
I did a quick test and it looks like the ContentControls object is only available in Office 2007 and up.
I Pieter,
I’m debugging it use Office 2013, is that the same as targeting? How do I see what versions im targeting.
Thanks for you help with this.
Hi Pieter,
I found it, I had v11 of instead of v12
Yip, that should do it :)
Good one, good luck with the project!
Hello I have a question,
This procedure to save a property for me only works up before I save the file, but what if I want to keep a property that can be changed at any time as I do?
Hello Diego,
What procedure do you refer to? And what you mean by “only works up before I save the file”? What occurs if you use it at any other moment? Note that modifying a document after it is saved makes the document non-saved (Document.Saved will return false).
How can I pass what’s in a textbox to a word with a bookmark??
i hope you can help me!!
Hello Naya,
While a textbox itself is part of the document, the text in the textbox doesn’t belong to the document. Accordingly, you can’t use a bookmark to retrieve the text from the textbox.
using the first example to receive to BuiltInDocumentProperties causes word to say the document has been modified. So simple accessing the properties modifies the document ? How can i read the property values without changing the document ?
Hello JM,
I reproduce the issue in Word 2016: accessing the Document.BuiltinProperties property marks the document as “dirty”.
Here’s a workaround:
bool isSaved = doc.Saved;
docprops = doc.BuiltInDocumentProperties as Microsoft.Office.Core.DocumentProperties;
doc.Saved = isSaved;
didn’t expect that this property is writeable :)
Thank you very much…
Hi, I am using bookmarks to update them with new fields, my problem is that bookmarks are unique in word. How can programmatically update one bookmark and that bookmark will update the rest of the concerning fields using cross reference or whatever.
I have tried to add {REF YourbookmarkName} but this is not done programmatically, each time I add this field and close the word doc then reopen it disappears.
You can use the Word object model to update Range.Fields (Document.Fields, Selection.Fields) using the Fields.Update() method; see
I hate to ask again, I do not think I understood. here is what I have
//This will select the bookmark and update it with the correct value
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document docu.Bookmarks[MybookMark].Select();
Application oWordApp.Selection.TypeText(MyValue);
Now once the Bookmark is updated, I have a cross reference created and I want to update it with Myvalue. I used this as you suggested but I am sure I am using it wrong.
I Cant figure it out
> Now once the Bookmark is updated, I have a cross reference created
If only the cross reference above was created beforehand, then after you update a bookmark, you need to scan all fields in the current document to find the filed(s) pointing to that bookmark, and update each of these fields via Field.Update (see Alternatively, you can update all fields in the document: get Document.Fields, and call Fields.Update().
Also, you can get and set Bookmark.Range.Text instead of selecting the bookmark and using Application.TypeText().
You could use the Macro Recorder to record a VBA macro while updating a bookmark and updating a field(s) in the Word UI. The macro would show you the classes/members involved in the process.
I have wrote this to scan through the fields, I added one book mark and two cross references. in the count property I see the 2 fields but I am not able to update them.
for (int j = 0; j < docu.Fields.Count; j++)
var F =docu.Fields;
All collections in Office are 1-based:
for (int j = 1; j <= docu.Fields.Count; j++) { var field = docu.Fields[j]; field.Update(); }
Do you think it is best to first create a bookmark then create a cross reference using the book mark in order for the update to hit the cross reference. I mean in this order. because all the cross reference I created using word 2013 are not being updated, I wonder why.
Do you think it is best to first create a bookmark then create a cross reference using the book mark in order for the update to hit the cross reference. I mean in this order. because all the cross reference I created using word 2013 are not being updated, I wonder why. but it works if I do it manually meaning, I select a text and then I create a bookmark then when I create a cross reference I push on CTL + SHIFT + F9 then it updates
Now it is removing the Bookmark I create, and {REF BookMarkName} is unchanged.
> Now it is removing the Bookmark I create
Are you saying that you create a bookmark, select the text containing the bookmark, press F9, and the bookmark gets deleted? I don’t believe this understanding is correct. Could you provide more details?
Why you do not update the cross reference?
I don’t understand the context when you ask me about the order of creating bookmarks and references. Can you send me a test document so that we are on the same page?
Did you use the macro recorder to find how all this stuff works behind the scenes?
And finally, I don’t understand what you need to achieve. Sorry.
Hi Andrei, sorry for the confusion. Now, I will try to clarify the task I am working on. I have a word document that I am updating its fields using bookmarks all over, so if I want to update three fields with the same information I have used bookmarks, but since bookmarks are unique I have named the three bookmarks as follows : Version_1 Version_2 Version_3. my code in c# works fine and updates them.
Now, I want to use crossReference to update my fields instead of using the bookmarks Version_2 Version_3.
The steps I did take to get the crossreference work are:
I created a word doc with one bookmark Version_1 and two CrossReferences.
var bm = docu.Bookmarks;
var mbm = bm[XMLkey];
var bmRange = mbm.Range;
bmRange.Text = Xmlvalue;
var h = mbm.Name;
Now the code below I used as suggested, in the count property, I see the number of my CrossReferences I created in the word document but I can never update them.
for (int j = 1; j <= docu.Fields.Count; j++)
var field = docu.Fields[j];
Also, when I run this code, the bookmark gets deleted But its content will be filled with my desired text. BUT,the cross reference does not update.
I have not used the macro recorder. :( got limited time.
Thank you for your helpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp :)
I’ve created a document and recorded the VBA macro below while creating a bookmark and three references. Now, if I change the bookmark text, select all references and press F9 in the Word UI, the references are updated with the new text. The code of the reference field is: REF Version_1 \h. The VBA macro is as follows:
Sub Macro1()
‘ Macro1 Macro
Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=13, Extend:=wdExtend
With ActiveDocument.Bookmarks
.Add Range:=Selection.Range, Name:=”Version_1″
.DefaultSorting = wdSortByName
.ShowHidden = False
End With
Selection.InsertCrossReference ReferenceType:=”Bookmark”, ReferenceKind:= _
wdContentText, ReferenceItem:=”Version_1″, InsertAsHyperlink:=True, _
IncludePosition:=False, SeparateNumbers:=False, SeparatorString:=” ”
Selection.InsertCrossReference ReferenceType:=”Bookmark”, ReferenceKind:= _
wdContentText, ReferenceItem:=”Version_1″, InsertAsHyperlink:=True, _
IncludePosition:=False, SeparateNumbers:=False, SeparatorString:=” ”
Selection.InsertCrossReference ReferenceType:=”Bookmark”, ReferenceKind:= _
wdContentText, ReferenceItem:=”Version_1″, InsertAsHyperlink:=True, _
IncludePosition:=False, SeparateNumbers:=False, SeparatorString:=” ”
End Sub
Hope this helps.
Hi Andrei, Thank you so muchhh for your generous help. you rock
Please let me know how to add value in BuiltinDocumentProperties in MS project(Microsoft.Office.Interop.MSProject.Application).I have search a lot but not able to find the answer.
Hello Sagar,
You use the very same code that you would use in case of Word or Excel. The only difference is the starting point:
– Excel: Workbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties
– Word: Document.BuiltinDocumentProperties
– MSProject: Project.BuiltinDocumentProperties
See on how to use that collection.
I have a word template I manually added a few bookmarks. The name of the bookmark is similar to “txt_1, txt_2, checkbox_1, checkbox_2”. Now, I want to change “txt_1.text” and “checkbox_1.value” (ture or false) in C # code. I used the “Inserting a Word content control
“The sample code. This is my code:
private Word.Document doc;
doc = app.Documents.Open(ref fileName, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing);
Word.ContentControls contentControls = null;
Word.ContentControl checkboxControl = null;
Word.Range selectionRange = null;
strJson = DataSelect(wordId);
JObject obj = JObject.Parse(strJson);
foreach (var jObject in obj)
if (doc.Bookmarks.Exists(jObject.Key))//????????????
if (jObject.Key.ToString().Substring(0, 8).Equals(“checkbox”) || jObject.Key.ToString().Substring(0, 3).Equals(“cb_”))//isCheckBox?
try {
selectionRange = doc.Bookmarks[jObject.Key].Range;
contentControls = doc.ContentControls;
checkboxControl = contentControls.Add(Word.WdContentControlType.wdContentControlCheckBox, selectionRange);
if (jObject.Value.ToString().Equals(“1”))
checkboxControl.Checked = true;
checkboxControl.Checked = false;
//checkboxControl.Title = jObject.Value.ToString();
finally {
if (selectionRange != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(selectionRange);
if (checkboxControl != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(checkboxControl);
if (contentControls != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(contentControls);
doc.Bookmarks[jObject.Key].Range.Text = jObject.Value.ToString();
But when i run, in the “contentControls = doc.ContentControls;” will get an exception. (“Doc.ContentControls” raised an exception “System.AccessViolationException” type Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.ContentControls {System.AccessViolationException}), so how should i modify my program? Looking forward to your reply. Thank you.
(From Google Translate.)
Hello Aemon,
Your code works for me when I invoke it in the Click event of a Ribbon button that my test Word add-in creates. Make sure you have no extra WINWORD.EXE hanging in processes. Also turn off all other COM add-ins. Make sure there’s no VBA code in attached template(s).
I’ve polished your code a bit:
Word.Documents documents = WordApp.Documents;
doc = documents.Open(
ref fileName, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing);
Word.ContentControls contentControls = null;
Word.ContentControl checkboxControl = null;
Word.Bookmarks bookmarks = null;
Word.Bookmark bookmark = null;
Word.Range bookmarkRange = null;
try {
bookmarks = doc.Bookmarks;
if (bookmarks.Exists(jObjectKey))//????????????
bookmark = bookmarks[jObjectKey];
bookmarkRange = bookmark.Range;
if (isCheckBox)//isCheckBox?
try {
contentControls = doc.ContentControls;
checkboxControl = contentControls.Add(Word.WdContentControlType.wdContentControlCheckBox, bookmarkRange);
checkboxControl.Checked = true;
} finally {
if (checkboxControl != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(checkboxControl);
if (contentControls != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(contentControls);
} else {
bookmarkRange.Text = “some text”;
} catch (Exception ex) {
} finally {
if (bookmarks != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(bookmarks);
if (bookmark != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(bookmark);
if (bookmarkRange != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(bookmarkRange);
if (documents != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(documents);
hi, sorry my english. I can´t do it your example in Can do it? i can´t find an example any where.
When i try:
Dim word As New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application
Dim doc As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document = Nothing
Dim docprops As Microsoft.Office.Core.DocumentProperties = Nothing
doc = word.Documents.Open(“C:\temp.docx”)
docprops = CType(doc.BuiltInDocumentProperties, Microsoft.Office.Core.DocumentProperties) <— trhow excption
Dim props As String = String.Empty
For Each prop As Microsoft.Office.Core.DocumentProperty In docprops
Dim propValue As Object = Nothing
propValue = prop.Value
If (Not (propValue) Is Nothing) Then
props = (props + String.Format("{0} : {1}{2}", prop.Name, propValue, Environment.NewLine))
End If
Catch ex As System.Exception
'TODO: Warning!!! continue Catch
End Try
If (Not (docprops) Is Nothing) Then
End If
If (Not (doc) Is Nothing) Then
End If
End Try
I have an exception:
System.InvalidCastException: No se puede convertir el objeto COM del tipo 'System.__ComObject' al tipo de interfaz 'Microsoft.Office.Core.DocumentProperties'.
Hello Matias,
Please check
hi, Sorry for my english.
First, thanks for your reply. Second, seems that all post that i found are very old… i can not find the solution to edit or read the custom properties of a word document through
Thanks anyway.
Here’s a suggestion from that page: As a workaround you can use the late binding technology (see Type.InvokeMember) for accessing the object.
In VB.NET, you need to use Type.InvokeMember() if you have Option Strict = On. If it is Off, you can simply declare Dim docprops As Object.
New C# coder.
I am hoping one of you can help me with this. i have a word template with multiple bookmarks in it. I have been successful in populating the bookmarks with the desired data using C#. My challenge is I would like to delete only the bookmarks (just the bookmarks, not the data) from the generated Word doc.
I am coming from Microsoft Access and was successful in accomplishing this using VBA.
Hoping one of you might have the solution.
thank you in advanced for your support.
You can record a VBA macro while deleting a bookmark using the Bookmarks dialog (Insert | Bookmark). In such a macro I see they call Bookmark.Delete(); see
How to check the status attribute of a word document? (using C# code)
Status? The Word object model doesn’t have the Status property on the Document object; see