Toolbar Controls
for Microsoft® Office
No ad claims - facts only!
When you look through the marketplace of development components and tools, you will probably run into numerous vendors claiming that their products are the best. As you can well imagine, Add-in Express is no different. But before you dismiss our claims, take a moment to review the facts below and see for yourself why Add-in Express has no equal competitors on the market.
Fact #1: No analogs among .NET components
- you use a unique solution
The Toolbar Controls for Microsoft Office is a no-analog component library for Office 2007 - 2000 developers.
Fact #2: Use any .NET controls on Office commandbars
- you extend Office toolbars with any .NET components
With the Toolbar Controls for Microsoft Office you can use both built in .NET and 3rd-partty .NET controls on Office toolbars.
Fact #3: Overstep msoControlType limitation
- you needn't care of msoControlType
Earlier Office developers could use only five standard controls from the msoControlType enumeration - button, edit box, combo box, dropdown list and pop-up. Now you can create and use any controls on Office 2007 - 2000 command bars such as the controls included in msoControlType (the standard controls are marked in blue):
- msoControlCustom
- msoControlActiveX
- msoControlButton
- msoControlEdit
- msoControlDropdown
- msoControlComboBox
- msoControlButtonDropdown
- msoControlSplitDropdown
- msoControlOCXDropdown
- msoControlGenericDropdown
- msoControlPane
- msoControlSpinner
- msoControlGraphicDropdown
- msoControlAutoCompleteCombo
- msoControlPopup
- msoControlGraphicPopup
- msoControlButtonPopup
- msoControlSplitButtonPopup
- msoControlSplitButtonMRUPopup
- msoControlLabel
- msoControlExpandingGrid
- msoControlSplitExpandingGrid
- msoControlGrid
- msoControlGauge
- msoControlGraphicCombo
- msoControlLabelEx
- msoControlWorkPane
Fact #4: True RAD and Office-specific components
- true RAD helps you to work effectively
The Toolbar Controls for Microsoft Office is based on the True RAD Add-in Express architecture and works trough visual components only.
Fact #5: All versions and updates of MS Office are supported
- you use our experience in Office development
More than 60% of the Toolbar Controls for Microsoft Office source code has been created to overpass all pitfalls and features that different Office versions and updates have.
- stop coding things that have already been coded!
Add-in Express and the Toolbar Controls for Microsoft Office are time-saving toolkits aimed at giving you more time for concentrating on your work instead of coding things that have already been coded many times by many people.