Sample Internet Explorer plug-in with source code.
Advanced Search for IE 6, IE 7 and IE 8.
Add-in Express™
Advanced Search add-on for IEThis is a free sample plug-in for Internet Explorer 6, 7 and IE 8. It allows finding and highlighting searches across all windows and tabs of the current IE process. The plug-in was developed with Add-in Express for Internet Explorer and Microsoft .net and demonstrates the following Add-in Express features:
Currently, we supply its source code only: download the Advanced Search for IE plug-in, then unzip the archive file, and open the solution in Visual Studio 2005, 2008 or 2010. Note that if you have Add-in Express for Internet Explorer and Microsoft .NET, you can register the project using a corresponding item in the Build menu and see the plug-in in action. You may want to read a related post on the Add-in Express blog based on the code of this IE plug-in that provides some useful information for Internet Explorer developers about how to program IE add-on, toolbar and menu. |